Guarantee customer satisfaction with virtual AI manager

Understand, anticipate, and improve the service performance of staff and every customer interaction at every location.

Power of Zensors virtual AI manager

Maximize staff productivity in hours

Transform your business operations in 24 hours and not years with AI agents generating decisions for your teams.

Refine customer experience with intention

Track how you serve customers every moment. Focus on optimizing areas that need improvement. No more guesswork or wasted efforts.

Evolve your operations with limitless use-case AI

Virtual manager AI adapts to any new workflows your team implements, so never worry about being locked into a limited solution.

Automate resolution with virtual manager


Auto prioritize high impact issues for optimal performance

Accelerate triage time and reduce noise with AI-optimized alert prioritization. Zensors AI-generated event feed helps teams monitor live service status and pushes out notifications to any device.
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

Understand the situation with live displays

Capture real-time information from virtual sensors on an easy-to-create, customizable display builder. Easily push data into TV, FIDS, kiosks, mobile apps, and online websites for access anytime from anywhere.

Uncover service quality problems with daily overviews

Monitor service quality performance and consistency with use-case-specific report templates. View your key business metrics in an easy-to-read PDF and have actionable insights on what to change.
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Dashboard mockup

Discover connected insights from data across systems

Our API allows your data to flow to your data visualization or business intelligence tools. Connect the data into your existing data-warehouse to supercharge your data team.

Streamline fragmented attention to where staff is needed the most

Access cloud hosted Momenta™ today

Multimodal AI can be used on any video